2023 Beyond the Beef National Angus Conference Scholarships

The Angus Australia Foundation is awarding three scholarships to give Angus Australia members the opportunity to participate in the annual Angus Australia Conference.
In 2023 the scholarship will be to attend the ‘Beyond the Beef’ National Angus Conference in Tamworth, NSW 18 -19 of May. Members aged between 18 and 30 with a commitment to the Australian beef industry and the Angus breed are encouraged to apply.
The 2023 program for the National Conference will cover a wide range of topics designed to bring the #AngusFamily back together and encourage producers and industry professionals to delve ‘Beyond the Beef’ to ensure they are future proofing their production systems and remain at the forefront of the beef industry. The topics covered will look at the outlook for Australia in the world protein space, biosecurity, the supply chain of the future, how Angus work in varying environments, management opportunities for the future and much more.
Delegates will be able to touch base with other progressive beef producers as well as network with industry professionals and service providers.
Each scholarship recipient will be provided with $1500 to assist in covering costs associate with attending the event, (for example; flights, accommodation and the event registration fee).
The aim of this scholarship is to:
To be eligible for these scholarship’s, applicants must be between 18 and 30 years of age. You must also be a current Angus Australia member.
To apply for the Angus Conference Scholarship, applicants will need to complete the following application.
For further information contact;
Nancy Crawshaw
Extension Officer
Email: youth@angusaustralia.com.au
Website: www.angusaustralia.com.au/youth