A great few days at Tocal

The Tocal Beef Cattle Assessment Course took place last week, December 5th – 7th, and saw Angus Youth scholarship recipients from 2021 and 2022 take part.
Charlotte Nugent, Hamish Smith, Kristen Fredericksen, Liam Mowbray, William Crane, Meg Kealey, Hannah Bamford and Nicola Miller all participated in the course, which is hosted by Angus NSW and is widely recognised as the most practical and hands on beef cattle selection course of its kind.
The course covers a wide range of topics ranging from using EBV’s, structural conformation and selection of market utilising Bos Taurus and Bos Indicus breeds and their crosses and develops practical skills and information as well as presenting networking opportunities.
Not only were there plenty of learning opportunities over the course of the intensive two and half days, but it was also a hugely successful event for a number of the scholarship recipients.
Charlotte Nugent took out the coveted first place of the cohort for achieving the top score of the course. What’s more, fellow scholarship recipients Kristen Fredrickson, Nicola Miller and Meg Kealey all placed within the top ten of the event.
Keep an eye out in the New Year for the recipients’ reports covering their time at the course.