Are you heading to Roundup?

The clock is ticking and planning is in full swing for the 2024 NH Foods Angus Youth National Roundup. Below is some important information in the lead up to the Roundup so please take a few moments to review.
For those who are bringing their own cattle or bringing ballot animals, please note that all cattle details (i.e. animal ident, DOB, sex, pestivirus and national animal health declaration paperwork) are due by 1 November 2023. Please send cattle details to Toni Nugent, on email
For more information on the cattle Rules & Regulations CLICK HERE
If you haven’t already booked your accommodation, there are several options across a range of prices in Tamworth. The list below is by no means exhaustive but provides some suggestions.
Camping options:
Please note, if camping on-site, you are not under any circumstances to enter the cattle sheds after the completion of each day’s activities. Security will be monitoring the sheds overnight and individuals not abiding by this rule will face immediate disqualification and exclusion from the grounds.
Without the support of our amazing sponsors, Roundup would not be possible. To learn more CLICK HERE.