Arthur Rickards Young Breed Leaders Scholarship Applications open

The Australian Registered Cattle Breeder’s Association (ARCBA) is the peak industry association for the registered cattle breeding sector. ARCBA is pleased to invite young breeders to apply for funding for a study tour in 2023/24 to look at the latest cattle breeding trends internationally. Applicants should be in the age range 21-35 years at the date of departure.
The Youth Scholarship Program will be customised to the needs of the winner and the breed they represent, but it is likely to include a visit to the breed office, visits/stays with leading breeders and study of successful supply chain management programs.
The closing date for the scholarship applications is the 15th of September 2023.
Feature Image: Brad Cavanagh, Hardhat Angus Harden NSW won the Young Breed Leaders Scholarship in 2017