Behind the Beef Episode 24 – Careers In Ag

The agricultural industry accounts for 55% of Australian land use, 12% of goods and services exports in 2020–21; 1.9% of value added gross domestic product and 2.5% of employment in 2020–21 (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2022). So suffice to say, as we all know, this industry is an important one.
One of the things about the agricultural industry is there is a plethora of avenues that those wanting a career in the industry and over the next couple of months, we will be snapshotting the careers if people in ag, asking them about their story and how they got to where they are and where they are going from here.
In this episode of Behind the Beef we will be chatting to two guests, Alexis Gandy and Lachlan Woods, who caught up with Angus Australia at the GenAngus Future Leaders Program. Both attendees of the program, Alexis and Lachlan sat down to speak to me about their journey to where they are in the industry, why they applied for a program like GenAngus for their careers, and what they took from a development opportunity like GenAngus.