‘Beyond the Beef’ – Speaker Spotlights #5

Dr David Johnston, AGBU will be speaking on ‘TACE: Genomics adds value & precision and Dr Aaron Ingham, CSIRO on, “‘ImmuneDEX – The latest findings” at the ‘Beyond the Beef’ Zoetis Angus National Conference. GET YOUR TICKETS NOW
Dr David Johnston, AGBU – ‘TACE: Genomics adds value & precision’
David is a beef cattle geneticist at the Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit (AGBU) at the University of New England, Armidale. David has been responsible for the design and management of several large beef cattle breeding projects, and the implementation of the research into BREEDPLAN. David’s expertise is mainly in the area of mixed model estimation and prediction and a major focus of his work has been the development of genetic evaluation procedures for new traits and research into the incorporation of DNA-based data into EBVs. Currently, David is project leader of a large MLA-funded breeding project in Queensland and the Northern Territory that is developing enhanced genetic evaluation of female reproduction traits through the implementation of new genomic selection techniques in tropically-adapted beef breeds. David spends considerable time interacting with the beef industry and has been an invited speaker at scientific forums both nationally and internationally.
This presentation will outline the latest R&D findings demonstrating the value and additional precision provided by the inclusion of genomics in TACE.
Dr Aaron Ingham, CSIRO – ‘ImmuneDEX – The latest findings’
Dr Aaron Ingham has been with CSIRO for 27 years. Aaron commenced as a Postdoctoral Fellow based at the Australian Animal Health Lab (AAHL) in 1996 before moving to Brisbane as a research scientist in 2002. Aaron was a Group Leader between 2009-2023 where he was responsible for a range of projects addressing animal health, welfare and resilience. Key project areas include the development of the Immune Competence trait (ImmuneDEX) and on animal sensing technologies such as the eGrazor, which can classify animal behaviour and health status in real time and estimate daily dry matter intake. Recently Aaron has stepped down from his Group Leader role to focus on advancing these key research areas. Aaron is the author of more than 90 research papers that have been cited over 3,500 times.
Angus ImmuneDEX Research Breeding Values were released for the first time at the last national conference in. this presentation will provide the latest developments and findings for this resilience focused information .
The ‘Beyond the Beef’ Zoetis Angus National Conference, is set to take May 18th and 19th at The Event Centre, West Tamworth League Club, NSW and will include a pre conference tour on May 17th.