Expressions of Interest

Angus Australia is excited to announce that planning can once again begin for the hosting of the World Angus Forum in 2025. To this end expressions of interest are now open for those members interested in bringing this event to life and getting the Angus family from around the world back together.
Following the unfortunate situation where Angus Australia was unable to host the 2021 World Angus Forum and a period of uncertainty over the last 3 years, planning for the next World Angus Forum was put on hold and the previous organising committee was dissolved.
With the World Angus Secretariat confirming that Angus Australia will host the 2025 World Angus Forum, Angus Australia is now seeking committee members to provide guidance and assistance to Angus Australia in planning, promoting and conducting the 2025 World Angus Forum in Australia.
The Organising Committee will consist of at least four (4) individuals, to be appointed by the Board. Membership of the Committee may change over time, but with the objective of maintaining a degree of continuity during the leadup to the Forum.
Expressions of interest are now being called from members and other individuals interested in participating on the Committee.
Applications for Expressions of Interest CLOSE MONDAY 20TH FEBRUARY 2023
To submit your expression of interest CLICK HERE
For further information contact:
Scott Wright