Josephine to join the AuctionsPlus team

Angus Australia and AuctionsPlus are pleased to announce that Charles Sturt University student, Josephine Cox has been selected for the 2023 Angus Foundation AuctionsPlus cadetship.
Following the successful launch of the Angus Foundation Industry Cadetship Program and the inaugural AuctionsPlus Cadetship in 2022, the Cadetship has returned in 2023 and will see Josephine spend four weeks immersed in the workforce at Australia’s Digital Ag Market.
The Angus Foundation AuctionsPlus Cadetship is designed to give the recipient hands-on experience in an agribusiness in the beef supply chain.
During her time within the cadetship, Josephine will experience the day-to-day operations within AuctionsPlus and develop a unique understanding of how the business works and the central role of the platform in driving innovation within the agricultural industry.
“Josephine is an excellent example of the talent that we have in the beef industry, showcasing enthusiasm, work ethic and a thirst for further knowledge,” said Angus Australia Extension Manager Jake Phillips.
“Josephine stood out as a deserving recipient due to her natural interest in AuctionsPlus that originated from being in remote environments that used the platform as part of their business. This created an interest in Josephine to want to learn more and take a look behind the scenes.”
AuctionsPlus Chief Executive Officer, Angus Street, said the business was looking forward to welcoming Josephine onboard for the cadetship.
“AuctionsPlus is committed to supporting the next generation in accessing opportunities in digital agriculture and so we are excited to welcome Josephine onboard as our 2023 Cadet as part of this,” Angus said.
“We look forward being able to give Josephine exposure to a broad range of activities happening across the business, so she can build her understanding of all the incredible places a career in agriculture can take you.”
“I applied for the Auctions Plus Cadetship through Angus Australia to be a part of their operations for the length of the cadetship and see how technology innovation for agriculture is moving forward,” said Josephine regarding her motivation to apply for the cadetship.
“I am most looking forward to this opportunity, as I have worked in northwest Queensland on sheep and cattle stations where the use of AuctionsPlus has become the life-changing innovation to bring Northern beef into the modern market. It has created a drive that is very passionate to see how a company driving the future of agriculture works behind the scenes.”
In addition to her time at AuctionsPlus, as part of the cadetship Josephine will also complete the Marcus Oldham Rural Leadership Course. The Marcus Oldham Rural Leadership Program is an intensive five-day workshop and is recognised as one of the longest running rural leadership programs in the nation.
About Josephine:
Josephine grew up on a mixed-stock property near Wagga Wagga NSW and has always been interested in the Angus beef industry. She is currently studying Agricultural Science at CSU Wagga and working on her family property. In pursuing this degree, Josephine hopes to position herself in a career to help design the future of agriculture into more a business-focused design through the use of efficiency in nutrition and accessibility to help.