Members are reminded that the year letter for the 2022 calf registrations is ‘U’.
For more information on registering your calves, please CLICK HERE.
Don’t forget the unique animal ID assigned to animals with a birth date of 1/1/2021 onwards has been changed to consist of the breeder’s herd identifier, a two character year of birth, a breeding year letter and an animal number. That is, rather than ABCU1, the animal ID assigned will be ABC23U1.
For more information on animal identification CLICK HERE.
Animal Idents and Sale Catalogues
With autumn sale catalogue production in full swing, it is timely to remind members of important changes to the Angus Australia regulations that apply to the identification of animals that were born from January 1st, 2021, onwards (calves with the year letter code S and onwards), as there are implications for Members submitting sale catalogue information to Angus Australia. READ MORE