As part of the centenary editions of the Angus Bulletins, we have been looking back to at Angus Youth and seeing where they are now!
We check in with former Angus Youth member Nick Boshammer to see where he is now!
Make sure you check out the gallery of where are they now images featuring the former Angus Youth members featured in the bulletin series so far!
Nick Boshammer
What is your earliest memory participating in Angus Youth activities?
My earliest memories stretch back to Queensland junior Angus shows. Being of “low weaning weight” myself I’d have a battle with lead cattle when they took off, so rather than let go of the rope I had a determined attitude of not giving up and would clench onto the lead rope as tight as I could, only to see that it was a belly skiing spectacle for the crowd and a laundry nightmare for my mother.
What activity/event stands out to you the most (eg Roundup, leadership clinic, scholarships etc)?
As I look back it was certainly the above scenario – learning not to give up even if you’re being dragged through a pile, you’ve given it a crack and can be assured you’ve made some positive friendships along the way. Those friendships might be ones that grab onto the rope with you next time and could just be the helping hands you need.
In terms of opportunities that you received for being part of Angus Youth, how did your involvement positively influence your development in the beef cattle industry?
To date the number one greatest lifetime opportunity I have had is hands down the Semex K-State University Scholarship. The positive influence through mentorship from some genuinely inspiring people enabled a great avenue for learnings and soundboards. The full attention that was spared to not only answer my questions but then to also direct me to a best path avenue, sure has provided me with some very solid foundations to build from.
What were the key learnings you developed as a member of Angus Youth, through the program and then the additional scholarship experiences that you had?
The key learning I’m continually reminded of through each experience – you’re always learning. Our industry and breed society is so very fortunate to have the great people it has that are so open to share their stories and operations that all offer the different perspectives and the learning experiences they have endured. With such a great openness about what they’re trying to do it surely does give a great insight into different practices that may or may not suit future experiences.
How are you involved in the beef cattle industry now/where are you now?
My involvement in the beef industry continues to grow with a determination to improve beef produced in Australia. Currently I’m running a pure-bred Angus stud and commercial cattle herd that forms from the commercial operation and how can that be maximised from stud breeding decisions. In 2019 I will be launching my brand ‘NBGenetics’ which is a holistic approach to improve beef production. Stay tuned!
Why would you encourage others to become involved in the Angus Youth Program?
It is a fast track into the world‘s largest encyclopaedia – “the people” and their willingness to share stories and information can help in all facets of becoming involved in any shape or form of the industry or outside life.
Feature Image: Nick Boshammer 2014