Who are your account signatories?

Angus Australia members are reminded that when utilising the services provided by Angus Australia, that any work requested must come from an authorised signatory of the membership account.
As per Angus Australia regulation 2.3, there must be at least one authorised signatory to each Angus Australia membership.
Due to this requirement Angus Australia asks members to ensure that whoever is submitting requests for any Angus Australia services, including but not limited to, registrations, catalogue services, transfers, DNA and genomic test requests, submission of TACE data, and corresponding with Angus Australia regarding these requests is in fact an authorised signatory of the membership. If they are not, anyone whom requests work to be completed on behalf of a membership, will be required to complete and submit an Authorised Signatory Form to Angus Australia in order to authorise the person as a signing authority on the membership account.
Failure to do so will mean that Angus Australia will be unable to complete any work requested by that individual until they are listed as a signing authority, which may result in delays to transactions being conducted.
The Authorised Signatory Form is available here for download.
To check the listed signing authorities for their memberships and for further information regarding Angus Australia memberships please contact the Angus Australia office at office@angusaustralia.com.au or (02) 6773 4600.