CHANGE OF VENUE – Efficient Beef Open Day

Due to the rain and predicted forecasts for the Armidale area, the Efficient Beef Open Day has been relocated to the University of New England (UNE) main campus.
The day will commence as planned at 10.30am, Wednesday November 22nd in the Western Teaching space, located off the Western Car Park at the end of Trevenna Rd, University of New England.
A BBQ lunch will be followed by a tour of the methane chambers at the Centre for Animal Research and Teaching.
Angus Australia members and industry representatives are invited to attend the event, which will be hosted in conjunction with the University of New England (UNE) and the New South Wales Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI) and will feature updates and developments from the Angus Sire Benchmarking Program, the Low Methane Beef Program and the Southern Multibreed Project.
For further information regarding the Efficient Beef Open Day please contact the Angus Australia R&D Specialist Dr Liam Mowbray on 0436 406 140 or at
RSVPs for the Efficient Beef Open Day close November 17th, 2023.