Reflection, Questions and Feedback

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EBVs are a proven tool that, when used carefully in conjunction with other selection criteria, will help improve your cattle herd and move it closer to your desired production goals. A sound understanding of TACE and EBVs is required to optimise animal selections.

After reading through this module, you should have an understanding of what each of the EBVs in the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation is measuring and what they mean. The next step is to work out how you can apply this knowledge to your own operation. Use the following reflection tool  to think more deeply about what you have read.

Hits, misses and opportunities tool

HITS – where did this material hit the mark with you?

MISSES – what did you find irrelevant, or didn’t need to have covered?

OPPORTUNITIES – have you discovered any areas that you can apply what you’ve learned to improve your business’ outcomes?

Finally, this last tool contains a final step:

One you have identified the HITS, MISSES and OPPORTUNITIES, have a think about WHO NEEDS TO KNOW?


If reading this material has provoked any questions on the topic with you, please get in touch with us.

The easiest method is to email us via, and write a few brief sentences about what you would like to discuss.