Angus Selection Indexes – Have Your Say
Angus Australia is seeking feedback on the selection indexes that are calculated within the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation.
Members can provide feedback by completing an online member survey and/or participating in a Focus Group meeting during April.
Get involved in Angus Verified
The newly launched Angus Verified gets rid of the guesswork and stops Angus imposters from eroding your profits.
Buy Angus Verified cattle and have the assurance and confidence that these animals are purebred Angus and you are getting what you pay for.
AASFA Stakeholder Update for NSW Floods
DPI and LLS are providing assistance to landholders and communities with animal welfare-related issues resulting from the floods.
Nominate a bull and be part of cutting-edge R&D
It’s time to nominate bulls for the next round of the Angus Sire Benchmarking program (ASBP) to produce the Cohort 12 progeny.
The joining program will commence in August 2021,
Notice on Autumn Inventory 2021
Please note that 2021 Autumn Inventory will not be run for those members with unpaid prior year Inventory (2020) and/or unpaid prior year membership dues (2020).
Please call 02 67734600 and choose option 3 if you need assistance or wish to discuss further.
Beef Australia 2021 – Call for member promotional material
Angus Australia are proud supporters of Beef Australia 2021, taking place in Rockhampton, Queensland from May 2nd to 8th 2021.
Beef Australia is a celebration of all facets of the Australian beef industry and Angus Australia will be involved during this world class event across a number of areas.
Report from Angus Australia Board Meeting conducted on 5th March 2021
The Angus Australia Board met by video conference on the 5th March 2021.
Items addressed at the meeting included the following:
- Update from CEO on major strategic and operational issues.
Important change to Angus Australia’s Trading Terms
Members are advised that the Board has recently made a change to the Trading Terms specified in the Angus Australia Regulations, as follows.
Regulation 17.2 now states…”Unless specific arrangements are made,
Supply Chain Insights From Farm To Overseas Markets
The post COVID-19 landscape is looking to be vastly different to the pre COVID-19 in terms of the supply chain especially into overseas markets.
On the 10th of March AgLive held a webinar to discuss – How can industry embrace new supply chain technologies to transform business in Australia,
Updated EBVs Available – Mid-March 2021
Angus Australia wishes to advise that the Mid-March 2021 TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation has been completed and updated EBVs are now available.
With the completion of the Mid-March 2021 analysis,